Unlimited expert doctor consultations
For 18+ specialists
One-time yearly fee
Free for the whole family
Video/audio & chat consultations
Available in 16+ languages
in-clinic visit | Mediwheel Gold |
Rs 7500+12-15 visits |
Rs2499unlimited teleconsults |
1-2 Hoursto talk to doctor |
30 Minutesto talk to doctor |
paidfollow ups |
freefollow ups |
fixedtime to meet doctor |
24/7doctor available |
limitedspecialities available |
18+specialities available |
travelsto clinic |
at homeeasy! no journey |
Unilimited Consulation Plan + 1 Executive Checkup + 1Pathology Checkup + Medicines
₹7499 20% OFF
Unilimited Consulation Plan + 2 Executive Checkup
₹7499 20% OFF
Unilimited Consulation Plan + 4 Executive Checkup + Medicines
₹14999 20% OFF
Unilimited Consulation Plan + Pathology Checkup
₹2999 20% OFF
Unilimited Consulation Plan
₹999 20% OFF
Unilimited Consulation Plan
₹1399 20% OFF
Unilimited Consulation Plan
₹2499 20% OFF
Unilimited Consulation Plan + 2 Pathology Checkup
₹3499 20% OFF
Unilimited Consulation Plan + 2 Executive Checkup + 2 Pathology Checkup + Medicines
₹10499 20% OFF
Unilimited Consulation Plan + Executive Checkup + Medicines
₹6999 20% OFF
Unilimited Consulation Plan + Pathology Checkup + Medicines
₹4999 20% OFF
Unilimited Consulation Plan + Executive Checkup
₹4999 20% OFF
Get unlimited free consultations with all doctors 24x7
Free consultations for up to 6 family members
Consult with any doctor from 18 departments at any time
Video consults with all doctors, 24x7
Cold, Cough & Fever
General Physician
Skin Problems
Sexual Problems
Women Issues
Hair and Scalp Problems
Pregnancy Problems
Stress and Mental Health
Acidity, Gas, Stomach Issues
Orthopedics - Bones, Joints Issues
Child/Infant issues
Lab report analysis
Conceiving issues
Cardiac issues - Heart Relate issues
Diabetes consult
Cancer Advice
Breast feeding advice
Weight Management
General Surgeon
Ear Nose and Throat
Psychological Counselling
I do not know
Cold, Cough & Fever
100000+ Reviews
users satisfied
you will get Unlinited FREE consultations with Mediwheel Gold
However, The use of free consultations via our Gold plan shall be restricted on a daily, monthly, weekly and yearly basis. Capping of which is subjected to change.
see our Gold Fair Usage Policy to know more.
Perfect support provided by this app during this difficult time. Doctors available on App are great and provide great help. Used this app for multiple members of family.
Sonu Yadav
Perfect support provided by this app during this difficult time. Doctors available on App are great and provide great help. Used this app for multiple members of family.
Sonu Yadav
Perfect support provided by this app during this difficult time. Doctors available on App are great and provide great help. Used this app for multiple members of family.
Sonu Yadav
Perfect support provided by this app during this difficult time. Doctors available on App are great and provide great help. Used this app for multiple members of family.
Sonu Yadav
Perfect support provided by this app during this difficult time. Doctors available on App are great and provide great help. Used this app for multiple members of family.
Sonu Yadav
Perfect support provided by this app during this difficult time. Doctors available on App are great and provide great help. Used this app for multiple members of family.
Sonu Yadav